日常会話 充実した一日 高校生英単語 100~140語Hey! How was your day? Learn anything interesting at school? I had a pretty good day.In English class, we... 2023.05.09 日常会話
日常会話 友達と過ごす昼休み 高校生英単語 50~70語This morning, I woke up early and quickly had breakfast before heading to school.During lunch break, my fri... 2023.05.09 日常会話
日常会話 ダンス 高校生英単語 50~70語A: The school dance is coming up. Are you going?B: I'm not sure yet. I'm not much of a dancer, to be honest... 2023.05.09 日常会話
日常会話 趣味探し 高校生英単語 50~70語A: I'm thinking of taking up photography as a hobby.B: That's a fantastic idea! It's a creative outlet and ... 2023.05.08 日常会話
日常会話 主役 高校生英単語 50~70語A: Guess what? I got cast in the school play!B: That's amazing! Congratulations! Which character will you b... 2023.05.08 日常会話
日常会話 観客を熱狂させる試合 高校生英単語 50~70語A: Did you watch the soccer game last night?B: Yeah, it was intense! Our team played really well and won.A:... 2023.05.08 日常会話
日常会話 英語の教科書見なかった?? 高校生英単語 50~70語A: Hey, have you seen my English textbook?B: I think I saw it on the desk this morning. Did you check there... 2023.05.08 日常会話
日常会話 数学の宿題 高校生英単語 50~70語A: Hey, did you finish the math homework?B: Yeah, I solved all the problems. It took me a while, but I thin... 2023.05.08 日常会話
日常会話 充実した楽しい一日でした 高校生英単語 70~100語"I woke up early this morning and had a delicious breakfast with my family.After that, I caught the bus to... 2023.05.08 日常会話
日常会話 仕事上で異文化 TOEIC・英検1級単語 50~70語A: Have you ever encountered cross-cultural challenges in a professional setting?B: Indeed, I have. W... 2023.05.08 日常会話